Letting Go


Yesterday we paid a visit to Willy Wall, a floating bar in the middle of the Hudson.  To get there, we hopped onto a 10-minute boat ride that set sail from the back of the World Financial Center.  The physical motion of stepping off shore and watching it zoom out into a row of leggo-like structures was strangely comforting.   We caught the breath-taking sunset over the water.  So gorgeous, it seemed like a dream.

The journey itself seems like an apt metaphor for life.  Sometimes we just have to let go of our minds’ daily preoccupations, zoom out and appreciate life from a few miles away.

Manhattan, as chaotic as you are, you sure look beautiful.



Back to Basics

Fall has arrived in New York.  We’ve been blessed with beautiful sunshine and crisp air, day after day.  It feels so rejuvenating and refreshing, I wish it could go on forever.

Even though spring is usually the season associated with new beginnings, I can’t help but feel this sense of renewal every fall.  (Maybe it’s the dork in me that still associates fall with school).  In any case, I’m gravitating towards everything simple and low key, kind of like the understated elegance of fall.  I prefer classic silhouettes and delicate jewelry, like the ones below that I live on from day to day.  What is your take on fall?


1/ simple cascading chain earrings
2/ layered 14k gold filled station necklace
3/ gold beaded ring
4/ onyx bracelet